Config Reference

The following options can be passed as an object literal to the useCurrencyInput function.


A ISO 4217 currency code, for example USD or EUR. This option is required.


A BCP 47 language tag (for example en or de-DE). Default is undefined (use the default locale of the Browser).


How to display the currency in currency formatting. Possible values are:

  • symbol to use a localized currency symbol such as "€" (default value)
  • narrowSymbol to use a narrow format symbol ("$100" rather than "US$100")
  • code to use the ISO currency code
  • name to use a localized currency name such as "dollar"
  • hidden to hide the currency


Whether the decimal symbol is inserted automatically, using the last inputted digits as decimal digits. Default is false (the decimal symbol needs to be inserted manually).


The number of displayed decimal digits. Default is undefined (use the currency's default, decimal digits will be hidden for integer numbers). Must be between 0 and 15 and can only be applied for currencies that support decimal digits.


Whether to hide the currency symbol on focus. Default is true.


Whether to hide the grouping separator on focus. Default is true.


Whether to hide negligible decimal digits on focus. Default is true.


Whether the number value should be exported as integer instead of float value. Default is false.


The range of accepted values as object {min, max}. Default is undefined (no value range). The validation is triggered on blur and automatically sets the respective threshold if out of range.


Whether the minus symbol is automatically inserted or prevented to be inputted depending on the configured valueRange. Default is true.


Whether to use grouping separators such as thousands/lakh/crore separators.